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Kazakhstan – Fire Occurs On Main Gas Pipeline

Kazak-001Fire broke out Feb. 2 on the Orenburg-Novopskov main gas pipeline in Kazakhstan, the Kazakh joint-stock company, KazTransGas, said.

“A rupture, followed by fire occurred on the 288th km stretch of the Orenburg-Novopskov main gas pipeline (between the Beles and Peremetnoe settlements in the West Kazakhstan region) at 04:08 (UTC/GMT +6 hours) on Feb. 2,” said the company’s message.

“The fire was extinguished at 07:30. The valves #280 (Beles settlement) and #322 (Chizha settlement in Taskala district) were closed at 04:30,” said the company.
The company noted that the gas pressure in the gas pipeline fell due to the closure of valves, and currently the gas supply is suspended in nine settlements in the Zelenovsky district. Work has been already launched for the supply of gas to the settlements in the Taskala district.

It was also noted in the message that the management of the KazTransGas took measures to address the accident. In particular, fire fighters were dispatched to the site.
A commission composed of the company’s management also departed for the accident site from Astana.

The message said the situation is under control. There were no victims, injured or destructions. There is also no threat to the region’s ecology.

KazTransGas also said the transit of gas for export in the direction of the ‘Aleksandrov Gai’ compressor station was not reduced, and it is now being carried out via the main gas pipeline ‘Soyuz’.

“Transportation of gas to consumers in [the city of] Uralsk is carried out in accordance with a loopback scheme. The ‘Rostoshi’ gas distribution station is working in operating mode. The ‘Peremetnoe’ gas distribution station will be restored as soon as possible. The restoration work continues,” said the company.

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