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USA – Leak Contained at Exxon Refinery

Torrance blastTORRANCE, Calif. (AP) — A leak at a Southern California oil refinery prompted warning sirens to go off in the surrounding community before it was contained.

A statement from the Exxon Mobil refinery says air monitoring turned up no danger to the public and an “all-clear” notice was given minutes later.

The Torrance Fire Department says the leak on an 8-inch crude oil pipeline caused a large column of smoke to leave the refinery and hover over the neighborhood. Residents were told to stay in their homes and close their windows, but the leak was contained soon after.

Exxon Mobil says the release consisted mostly of steam.

The same refinery was crippled by a February explosion that slightly injured four contractors, heavily damaged equipment and rained ash on homes and cars.

The company announced last month that it is selling the refinery for $537 million to PBF Energy Inc.

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