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PSA Investigate Statfjord Oil Spill

Petroleum Safety AuthorityPSA Investigate Statfjord Oil Spill

Norway’s Petroleum Safety Authority is to investigate last week’s oil spill from Statoil’s Statfjord A platform tanker.
The spill, reported on October 8, had been observed on the sea close to the OLS B loading buoy on the field.

The discovery was made while loading crude from Statfjord A into the Hilda Knutsen shuttle tanker via the buoy, which stands between the A and B platforms.

Preliminary assessment by Statoil said the spill could be in the order of 40 cubic metres of crude oil.

The PSA said it was in investigating, in part to clarify the course of events and to identify the direct and underlying causes.

The Authority will look at the technical condition, maintenance and operation of the offshore loading system.

Statoil said a spill has been discovered during the loading of oil from the Statfjord A platform tanker offshore Norway.

The leak was located in the flange in the loading hose.

The PSA said it will report its findings in due course.

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